Player Player Player Player
Dedicated Account Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes
Agree Business Objectives Yes Yes Yes Yes
Install Visitor Tracking Yes Yes Yes Yes
Keyword Research Yes Yes Yes Yes
Competition Analysis Yes Yes Yes Yes
Technical Audit Yes Yes Yes Yes
On-page Optimisation Yes Yes Yes Yes
Monthly Rank Reporting Yes Yes Yes Yes
Authority / Trust Signal Building Yes Yes Yes Yes
Content Creation (articles / infographics etc) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Social Media Support & Advice Yes Yes Yes Yes
Branding Promotion Yes Yes Yes Yes
AdWordsâ„¢ guide Yes Yes Yes Yes
Call : +91-987-128-0005 20,000 INR/Month
15 Keywords
30,000 INR/Month
30 Keywords
35,000 INR/Month
40 Keywords
50,000 INR/Month
40 Keywords

Our company is committed to serve almost all kind of organizations from wherever they belong, whatever size they have, whatever investments they have, whichever products or services they offer. SEO Tech Experts has designed the packages keeping in view the important things relating to Digital marketing. Basically SEO / Search Engine Optimization is not an easy task as one seems it. An SEO professional has to be technical with the knowledge of Google algorithm, search engine tools and other required techniques. He has to first make the thorough study of website to understand the need of the business. Once the website is analyzed, then the SEO work is to be started keeping in mind the required keywords.

How packages are decided?

Packages are totally depending on the clients requirements. Usually companies charges heavy SEO packages by claiming numbers of interlinking, listings, blog posting, article or directory submissions, and content marketing etc. Apart from that, packages also based on the numbers and types of keywords which are to be searched by the clients like pre-local, local, national, international and generic keywords etc. Prices of Pre-local keywords are lesser than local keywords, prices of local keywords are lesser than national keywords and so the prices of International and generic keywords. So SEO Tech Experts firstly analyze the requirements of the business and then decide the prices of its services.

Guaranteed Results:

SEO Tech Experts assured clients to provide the promised results. Though the results are not immediate, any company venturing with SEO Tech Experts has to keep faith and patience. There are so many SEO Companies in India who always boost to provide #1 rank within short period of time. But it is not a magic to provide #1 rank with in one or two month. Ranking depends on quality links and following the search engines algorithms. SEO Tech Experts don’t guarantee you #1 rank, in fact, our company try to improve the results slowly and then to provide the high rankings.

Our company knows the value of customer satisfaction so we always try to serve them better.

Get in Touch

India Address

130, JMD Megapolis, Sohna Road, Sector 48 Gurgaon

USA Address

Regus Austin Center - 29th Floor, 2021 Guadalupe Street Dobie Center, #260, Austin, TX 78705, United States

Dubai Address

Business Center 1, M Floor, The Meydan Hotel, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai, U.A.E.

Canada Address

3675 27th E, V5R 1R3, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

#1Award Winning Agency 2025